Daeyong Byun is an excellent fable teller. His continuous "animal-human" motif is to suggest a true picture of society in a metaphorical way. We can approach his "animal-human" in two ways. One is "animalization of humans" and the other is "humanization of animals." The former reveals the process of humans becoming animals by letting human values in life, such as ethics toward others, be collapsed in the capitalistic system of exchange. The latter discloses the reality that the nature is subordinated to the culture by having been destroyed and all the worse possessed violently by the culture. -  Man Seok Kim

'lotus zone of zero', made with a steel structure and cables

The site specific installation Lotus: Zone of Zero, 2008, is composed of approximately two thousand lanterns, in the shape of lotus flowers, expanding outward upon a circular structural space, against a background of Tibetan, Gregorian and Islamic chants, and was specifically conceived for the Rotunda of the Raverstein Gallery. This installation is an invitation to a journey of discovery in which the artist provides space and time where the audience observes the differences and similarities of cultural, religious, and political awareness, and which, above and beyond its aesthetic qualities, is a call for peace, love and understanding amongst human beings.

Soo Ja kim

Assembling for Eternity  34x34x48 cm urethane rubber on stainless steel 2008

Assembled Fantasy  111(width) x25(height) x32(depth) cm
steel, aluminium, stainless steel, speaker, power amplifier, oscillator & multi mode filter module 2008

The Bottom Floor diameter 300cm aluminium, electric motor 0.97rpm, light 2005

Byoung Ho Kim

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