Blue Table 靑漆環紋卓子

Table humidifier - Presents the style of gentle home appliance which can be in harmony with the surrounding atmosphere based on the shape of furniture. In addition, the efficiency of moisture supply is raised as the height becomes taller than existing humidifiers and has the function as an independent object that can be placed by itself in a room.

Air phone - A wire phone like wireless phone!  The air phone hanging on the ceiling supplies a wide radius for usage without the supply of electricity required by wire phones. The characteristic of product used by hanging on the wall is the result made by analog sense and humor of wire phones

Studio TAID

CINDERELLA . Attachable accessory. 2010

Cinderella is the attachable decoration for the ordinary furniture.
Cinderella, the art objet, will renovate the ordinary products to extraordinary ones

Ryan Yoon & Harc Lee

urethan foam, used chair / 900 x 700 x 670

'sofa-dress' is a job of space design and a suggestion of furniture design. The act of putting on the clothes of the “sofa” on the existing chair in itself makes the previous object become a little more cushiony furniture and it also can achieve an intention as a unified space with the same cuticles. co-worker : Lee Dongyeup

meal tray type / special silicon for food / injection molding / 505 x 415 x 57

Spread the dish on the table. The flexible table cloth
that looks just like a dish makes it possible to prepare food anywhere just by spreading it. The meal is over when the ‘dish table cover’ is removed and washed. A sheet of a flexible ‘dish’ that is folded or crushed brings a new way of life that is not affected by space or time limitations


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