Social & Cultual Design Project - Hoon Kim

Dream Delivery is the first project for human sociiety from 'Why not smile?' Visitors participate in this project by whispering their dreams into an empty bottle thoung a dream funnel, an interactive device. The transparent bottle files up with dream, and then is vacuum-sealed. Within ten years, the owner of dream will be suprised by its unanounced delivery. Upon reciving it, the owner will feel his dream anew his voice at The owner now has a chance to reconsider his dream,  peroeive the trouth in a new light, and plan for the future again, Dream Delivery gives people the oppertunity to re-form themselves. Designersblock in London 2006

List of something project based on 3years wrighten. After writhing, showed all the wrightings to people and let them read loud. And then tried to make a research in search of common words of feeling from people tried to mixed their sound with mine. This project is all about the process of how to feel sympathy. In a word, this is the combination of each reaction.

Jung Jin Yeol

Portrait Montage, 420 x 594mm, Digital Prin

Digital Portrait (Boys), 297 x 420mm, Digital Print

Self-Initiated, Portrait Series,10 Portraits, 2 Montages
Spring, 2006, Direction, Design, Production

This Memorable Portraits is started from the book Metaphors of Memory: A History of Ideas about the Mind and Why Life Speeds Up As You Get Older by Douwe Draaisma. This is a project about researching what Bergson calls Memory as a Rememberance.

I visualized relationship between my memory and people in my memories. Those people in my memories has been memorized as a regular text not like photographic images. So I created their photographic image with ASCII text. And I encoded through serial code generator, and created a typeface to patternize those codes, and I made pattern individually for each person with this typeface. This is how I translated my memories about people I have known in my life. Also to show a montage is similar to the process of memory , I made an ASCII art montage and encrypted pattern montage of 10 different people. This project is still on going. - Namoo Kim

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