Caterpillar Maze is a 3-dimensional geometric maze which is different to existing mazes which are 2-dimensional, such as playing on a paper. Secondly, in order to open the Caterpillar Maze to everyone, it was made with a cushion for safety reasons. Moreover, this cushion is also very attractive and can be used as decorations in the house. The Caterpillar Maze is principally made up of 5 cushions that are each individually made up 4 triangles. Each triangle portrays a different maze and therefore when the edges of each triangle meet, a path to a new maze is created and therefore numerous combinations can be achieved. By connecting more and more cushions, it is possible to increase the complexity of the game and adjust for the level of the user. The cushions are designed to have two zips to add and subtract cushions for beginners and high-grade players. Therefore, as the Caterpillar Game is adjustable, players can build their own mazes and even make up the rules by themselves.

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