Book:Pack - Sooyeon Koo
Beware of the quick consumption.
Single product leads us to purchase numerous other products.

A - Here is a book comes with a bag.
Inside the book cover there is a handle hole.
By opening the book cover it can be used as a bag handle.
B - This book can be transformed into a bag by turning the attached cloth inside out.

Rough phone, Sungyong Moon

Easy Watch, Seungho Lee

A watch that doesn't show exact time but talks what time it is around. As you touch the sensor on the front of 'Easy Watch', it tells you approximate time.

"One halfish." "Around 5." - Checking time all the time, we seem to be far from our friends, family, and own imagination. 'Easy Watch' doesn't interrupt our internal flow of thought with visual disturbance. 'Easy Watch' offers a thorough holiday which is actually all around us.
hongik industrial design graduate exhibition 2006 : Neureet

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