venice architecture biennale 08: 'pajubookcity' at the republic of korea's pavilion

Korean Pavilion commissioner Seung H-Sang and documenter Pai Hyung-min filled art aficionados in on their plans for the exhibition at a press conference.

"I thought it would be good to highlight social phenomena in Korea," said Seung. "I selected Pajubookcity because I have observed it and it was completed last year. ... I thought it would be good to put it in the spotlight."

At the press conference, Seung unveiled his decision to focus the exhibition on one of the nation`s most unique architectural projects: Pajubookcity. Located just 30 kilometers outside of Seoul, this impressive book producing city was built by a cooperative of more than 200 publishers, printers, bookbinders and distributors.

'pajubookcity' - a 1000 sample books and 20 synchronized LCD monitors tell the story of this completely new city, built on reclaimed wetlands near the north-south border of south korea. located just 30 kilometers from seoul, it is a publishing cultural community.

in the late 1980s, a group of communal-minded young idealists started the development of this area, which is now the home of 130 publishing companies, 57 printers and binders, and 160 housing units. they now look set to be joined there by the korean movie industry. it was a result of a time when in korea individuals more and more started pursuing their own personal desires, and neglected or became disinterested in creating common ground.

Paju Book City

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