Mechanic Beasts and Fire Wars,
Poster for the designer-artist-inventor Jackson Hong’s solo exhibition, 594 x 840 mm, 2005

Toilet Swapping, Exhibition poster, Commissioned by Feminist Artist Network, Seoul, 2005

Sulki Choi  and Min Choi met in 2001 at Yale University where they were both students of the MFA graphic design program. Since then, they have been working together on various commissioned as well as self-initiated projects. From 2003 until 2005 they were researchers at the Jan van Eyck Akademie in Maastricht, where they participated in a research project for the cultural identity of the city of Leuven; designed the academy’s various publications and promotional materials; and together with Tamara Maletic and Dan Michaelson, designed the exhibition Welcome to Fusedspace Database at Stroom Den Haag. Currently back in Korea, Sulki is working on an artistic-publishing program as publisher of Specter Press (KR), and Min is teaching as full-time lecturer at the University of Seoul.

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