Ripple effect tea table 2010 , ash, plywood, earthen ware, pure water ,  120 x 50 x 35 (cm)

Ripple effect tea table is part of the Jeonghwa Seo’s degree project 'The geography of objects' at Eindhoven Academy in cooperation with Hanna Chung.

The tea table attempts to deliver an interface for analyzing the way of considering cultural differences in psychological level through the process of design and form. Business organizations need to be culturally sensitive when entering new markets or tossing out new products. On a similar note, we here want the design fraternity to consider cultural nuances and mentalities when designing in order to make design more poignant and meaningful.

There is a belief by Asian people that small changes in an individual's life can have an impact and have a certain effect to the whole community, which in a psychological term is called a "ripple effect".

Jeonghwa Seo, Hanna Chung

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