Daewoo Electronics’ Mini, the world’s first wall drum washer, in central Seoul yesterday. The company said the new appliance is just one-sixth as large as the company’s ordinary washing machine lineup and helps people protect their backs as well as save energy and space. The 3-kilogram (6.6 pounds) wall drum washer will go on sale next month at a retail cost of 400,000 won.

Daewoo Electronics launched new products at a press conference in Seoul this month, including the Mini drum washing machine that can "cling" onto the wall.

Daewoo may be targeting singles and seniors with the appliance. It described the Mini as being one-sixth the size of an ordinary drum washing machine. Wall-mounting the appliance is designed to help users avoid back strain, save energy, and free up floor space. The unit washes a 3-kg load.

Daewoo Electronics

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