Dice Cast Dice Cast 2010

The life-sized sculptures were constructed by running thin wire through the dice; Hyun used plaster casts of actual people as a guide to achieve the incredible accuracy and detail. The sculptures adopt multiple positions and use dice of multiple colors.

Wave no.7   16" X 20"   oil on canvas

Wave no. 8   16" X 20"  oil on canvas

Wave no. 9  24" X 36"  oil on canvas

Wave no.10  20" X 24" oil on canvas

This young painter (Born 1977 Pusan, Korea) is already establishing himself as a major talent in the realist cityscape genre. He studied at the Academy of Art College in San Francisco where he lives and paints much of his subject matter, especially views of Chinatown.

His work probably can’t truly be called perceptual painting as it is clearly studio based and he seems to work from multiple photos of a scene manually composited into an expanded perspective. However, his work is more about visual issues than conceptual ones. His dramatic viewpoints often with strong perspective diagonals draws you into the painting and the marvelous play of interlocking shapes keeps you in the painting.

Kim Cogan

Pantone Comprido

Pantone 7

Sang Won Sung's show, titled May Contain SMALL Parts, takes a "Toys 'R' Art" approach to assemblage. Born in Seoul, South Korea, and based in São Paulo, Brazil, Sung has enjoyed lots of media coverage for his cute and kitschy combinations of plastic found objects, which he shapes into toylike pop sculptures. His miniature depictions of animals, people, and comic-book characters are constructed from everyday consumer items such as soap dishes, kitchen utensils, headphones, radio dials, and dolls. Especially dolls.

Wing Helice - 2010

Batman 3

His work treats subjects as diverse as Batman, Kiss, and the crucifixion of Christ with equal degrees of cuteness and miniaturization. Signs and symbols are emptied of their impact. Ingenious as Sung's assemblages are, they suggest a world in which representation has been evacuated of meaning.

Sang Won Sung

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