360 Lighting This design combines a book a lamp. It is a novel light which provides not only lighting though the famillar structure of a book telling a story but also fun figurative flavor. It has both the fun factor of a pop-up book unfolding 360 degrees and graphic factors.

Easter Egg

Lighting Package, CCFL, Fluorescent Lamp / Circle type (7inch)
Acrylic, R40 (mm), LCD display, P.P film

When purchasing lighting equipment such as the light bulb or light switch at electronics stores, each equipment is sealed in some form of packaging. Here, each equipment is put in P.P film, well-known for being the most cost effective packaging material. The packaged lighting parts light up when plugged in and no other decoration such as the lampshade are used. This project was initiated with the question, “A combination of lighting parts covered in another shell, is that all there is to Lighting Design?” In fact, this so-called shall can replace the original packaging of the equipment.


Material : High glossy lacquered Carbon Fibre, Polished Casted Aluminum

Seatub is a lounge chair which came from bathroom. It is started from observing in every day which viewing an existence of object as an evolutional thing. Every objects are developed a symbiosis between factors such as circumstances, objects and users visibly or invisibly.
Seatub the lounge chair experiments to shift a function and to explore a similarity on different things in daily life. Although, the chair and the bathtub are not a live creature, it can be developed or justified a new creature as an evolutional thing through a shifting people’s perspectives.

Baek Ki Kim

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