
projected image on the wall 'Passing' - the moving poem - is a part of an exhibition called 'Type'

Sun Hee Yang

Google Me Business Card -
Download this template to print your own "Google Me Card".
If your name doesn't appear on the top of the Google search, I suggest you add other key word(s). i.e. Robert Smith, Chef, New York

Never Ending Story TapeCommissioned by AIGA / Fable written by Ji Lee and Clarina Bezzola -
tains a short fable which repeats itself seamlessly as a never ending story: Once upon a time, there was a child seeking the answer to the greatest mystery of the world. The child went to see the old blind man who lived in a cave deep in the forest. This old man had a hollow tooth. Inside the hollow tooth, there was a tiny metal box which had never been opened before. Inside the box there an old leather briefcase. Inside the briefcase there was a sealed golden envelope. Inside the golden enveloped there was a long roll of tape. And on this long roll of tape, it said: Once upon a time, there was a child seeking the answer for the greatest mystery of the world. The child went...

Ji Lee

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