Breik Polyester Resin, Silicone, Human Hair, Oil Color, Water Paint, Epoxy, Steel
155x92x150cm   2008

Portrays a rejection of adulthood and thereby reality in his sculpture, ‘Breik,’ (2008), where the viewer is confronted with a sculpture of a young, nubile boy who has just snapped off one of his two sprouting antlers.

Dryad Polyester Resin, Oil Color, Water Paint, Epoxy, Steel
250x150x270cm  2008

Young Dryad  Polyester Resin, Oil Color, Water Paint, Epoxy, Steel
166x80x150cm  2008

Realistic details as pores and capillary vessels are cast in polyester resin to resemble the human body, evoking a kind of hyper-realism.

A boy with deer antlers on his head resists growing into an adult by breaking them until they bleed. The sculpture by artist Kim Hyun-soo expresses his desire to revisit his childhood, to go back to the memories and dreams of those times.

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