"Sweet Valentaine"2008-9, 230 x 125 x 63 cm, Gingko wood, Gold plated on fiberglass and resin

"Sweet Valentine," is a sculpture of a Buddhist statue called Inwangsang which was regarded as a protecting patron of humans. It is known that this figure dispels demons and is a protector of the heavenly realm. JEON chose this figure to disclose Korea’s history and tradition, which is also embroidered in our identity. With the fast evolving contemporary world, industrialization brought about numerous shifts in paradigms and implications, and in this process, the dignified and respected Buddhist figure is degraded into a simple commodity.

In general, Valentine’s Day is a representative symbol of a commercialized and industrialized modern world. This sculpture reminds us of a pack of chocolate wrapped in a golden ribbon. It is a cynical satire on our identity and modern civilization, both which are lost in a swamp of commercialization. The figures step on numerous roses and hold ribbons, colored in gold, as an icon of a contemporary capitalistic, commercial and material world.

"The Creature of Induction", 2010, 239 x 147 x 90 cm, Cast iron, gold leaf on resin, electric light

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