Due to the accelerating development of science and technology and their profound impact on social life we lose track of our relations to people close to us, such as neighbours and friends. The flood of digital and commercial culture drowns the concern for and awareness of our direct living environments. Everybody knows – it is easy to say ‘We are too busy!’ – may it be a matter of fact or just an excuse – as Designers we kind of feel sorry for this state.
Refering to the ‘Rocking on the Beach’ chair, a former work of us, we at Studio Joon&Jung seek to primarily provide a natural experience yet through the moderat and subtle implementation and use of high technology.

The ‘Living Light’ is triggering the people’s attention for its light, gathering and grouping them under the same source. By detecting the human presence in relation to the space around, the ‘Living Light’ blossoms into a big flower simoultaneously increasing the amount of light, interactively welcoming the people to come together and communicate under its ambient blossom. Our algorithm for the specially programmed microchip is controlling the energy use and brightness of the light according to the presence of people, thus enabling the light to switch into energy saving mode when there is nobody around. The maximum brightness is about 1750 Lumen ( equivalent to 220V 120W incandescent light bulb ) whereas the overall energy consumption is but 15W for the ‘Living Light’.

Studio Joon and Jung

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